Inspired with meeting the dolphins on our way to Blue Cave on Bisevo island we have researched about dolphins and dolphin species in the Adriatic sea. Only two species of dolphins live in the Adriatic Sea, the good dolphin (Tursiops truncatus, eng. Bottlenose dolphin) and the regular dolphin (Delphinus delphis Linnaeus). Regular dolphin used to...
We organised a private tour to Blue Cave, Pakleni islands and Hvar. The first great excitement of the tour happened, as we passed Maslinica on the west side of island Solta, when we found ourselves surrounded by the group of around 10 dolphins. They surrounded our speedboat and we had plenty of time to make...
With the summer outside temperatures regularly exceeding 32C going out on the sea with a speedboat becomes the best thing to do. These days are perfect for a half day getaway to swimming and snorkeling paradise we call the Blue Lagoon. The morning tour starts at 09 AM and lasts till 02 PM while the...